Wersja polska:
Jeżeli podczas walidacji konfiguracji klastra Failover pod Windows Server 2012R2 pojawi się błąd "validate Active Directory Configuration - It cold not be determined whether node XXXXXX is a read-only domain controller because of this error: the object does not exists" bądź podczas tworzenia klastra failover wyświetla się błąd "There was an error cleaning up the cluster nodes. Use Clear-ClusterNode to manually clean up the nodes." oznacza to, że należy zaktualizować serwer używając Windows Update oraz nie należy wskazywać kontrolera domeny jako jednego z węzłów klastra.
English version:
If during the validation of the failover cluster on Windows Server 2012R2 you see an error:
"validate Active Directory Configuration - It cold not be determined whether node XXXXXX is a read-only domain controller because of this error: the object does not exists"
"validate Active Directory Configuration - It cold not be determined whether node XXXXXX is a read-only domain controller because of this error: the object does not exists"
or during the create failover cluster you see an error:
"There was an error cleaning up the cluster nodes. Use Clear-ClusterNode to manually clean up the nodes."
"There was an error cleaning up the cluster nodes. Use Clear-ClusterNode to manually clean up the nodes."
This means that you should update your server with Windows Update and you should not install failover cluster node on server who is domain controller.
Source: KB281662 - "It is not supported to combine the Active Directory Domain Services role and the Failover Cluster feature on Windows Server 2012"
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